Monday 8 May 2017

Connotations of TV news starting sequences

For decades news intros have used the same techniques and iconography to connote that what we see is urgent, important and presented impartially or neutrally.

Rushing graphics or rushing camera movements are very common. these connote that the information that we are receiving is urgent. seeing rushing camera movements give us a feeling of what we are about to see is very important and that we have to see it otherwise we will be out of the loo an dial not know what is going on in the world around us.

Transient objects and eyes are also a very common, which connotes that what we are being told is the truth. this works because when something is transparent, it makes us think that they are helping us see through all of the lies that the media are telling us and helping us learn the truth. eyes connote the same thing, this is because eyes see, which we relate to seeing the truth again.

Seeing the globe or an image of the earth from space is a very common visual that is often used, connoting that the information we are receiving is collected from all over the world, keeping us up to date with the biggest, most important news from everywhere. when we see this, the camera is usually rushing towards it, once again connoting urgency and giving us a sense of importance.

Landmarks from major cities are also shown quite often, this is because landmarks also connote that the information is coming in from everywhere. it also gets the viewer think that they re going to hear information about where they are and that they are going to learn something about their area (especially if one of the landmarks are from where they are).

Clocks are a very common visual that we see i the intro of news shows. this is because they connote a sense of urgency and importance, just like the rushing graphics and rushing camera movements. normally the news is shown at a specific time, like the news at ten, and whatever the time is is what the time of the news is.

We usually see technology and satellites in the introduction of news shows too, as well as circular radar pulses. these radar pulses connote information coming in and being shown to us as quickly as possible. the satellites and technology make us think that they are keeping up with he times, which can also connote a sense of the information coming straight to us.

The music played in the background of these intros are usually beat-driven and fast-paced, often involving brass instruments and procession. this also connotes urgency and make us think that we are getting brand new information. brass information usually reminds people of announcements, because in olden times, trumpets were usually when the presence of someone or something important is here.

male voice overs are usually use in the intro of the news when the title is being read out, this is because a male voice connotes authority and importance again. this is because of the depth in a voice gives it a very serious tone.

the colours used in the introductions of the news are usually metallic blues and strong reds. this is because these are the colours of the public work of office environments, connoting a sense of seriousness and importance. this leads us to believe that what we are being told is serious an important, which will usually intrigue the attention of the viewer.

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